
MacProVideo Logic 202 Logic's Plug In DVD Rom Used

  • Model: MACPRVIDLogic202
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs

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Tutorial videos covering Logic's primary DSP plug-ins.

Logic's power as an audio editing program rests not just in its awesome abilities to edit MIDI and raw waveforms to create sound, but also in the suite of built in DSP effects that come bundled with your installation.

This program provides essential information about dynamics processing that will help make all of your mixes sparkle. Learn the tricks to Gating, Compression, limiting and expanding sounds to make them as big in the mix as possible.

Steve also covers reverbs, delays, and many of Logic's other built-in DSP effects. In fact, The sections on Vocoding and using the Space Designer are enough to justify getting this tutorial program ... this is essential information no logic user should be without!

Audio Tools

Dynamics Processing

    01: Knob Phobia
    02: Compression
    03: Noise Gate
    04: DeEssor
    05: Expansion

EQing and Mastering

    06: Channel EQ Controls
    07: Using the Channel EQ
    08: MultiPressor
  • :
    09: Limiter
    10: Adaptive Limiter
    11: Linear Phase EQ
    12: Match EQ
    13: Match EQ Swapping the Source

Creative Plugins

Using Filters

    14: Evoc 20 Basics
    15: Vocoding with the Evoc
    16: Other uses for Vocoding
    17: Evoc 20 Filterbank
    18: Side Chains
    19: AutoFilter

Delays and Distortions

    20: Stereo Delay
    21: Tape Delay
    22: Bit Crusher
    23: Guitar Amp Pro
    24: Pitch Correct
    25: Vocal Transform

Using Reverberations

    26: Platinum Verb
    27: Space Designer Basics
    28: Space Designer
    29: Fine Tuning Space Designer

The Igorizer

    30: The Igorizer

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